
I recognize the Self Energy within you beneath the fear, obsession, and attachment to outcomes in relationships. You are a holistic system of parts that has been created to protect, manage, and keep perceived undesirable aspects of yourself exiled in an effort to not be exposed.

As a Registered Counsellor, I will attune to your needs based on your desired outcomes in seeking counselling. Healthy self-exploration and counselling limits are set by you through consent to accept therapies to help you peel back the layers and get closer to your Self Energy. I will hold you in unconditional positive regard as the expert of your own life with no judgement.

As it is unrealistic to expect to be exactly the same day to day, such is true with counselling sessions. I will meet you where you are at by applying compassionate exploration so you can go at your own pace. Along with holding space for you with curiosity and empathy, I will also provide you with psychoeducation all along the way to ensure you feel knowledgeable in the process in your journey back to Self Energy.

Background & Credentials

In addition to my lived experience, I have successfully completed an experiential Professional Counsellor Program at Rhodes Wellness College in Vancouver, BC.

In a previous career for close to a decade, I assisted grieving families with their cemetery arrangements due to the loss of a loved one. Most recently, I have provided support to people in crisis on crisis lines and worked on the frontline at transition houses for women and children fleeing immediate domestic abuse and violence.

I help people with:

  • Confusion: Radical acceptance of the relationships in our lives can redirect our attention back to ourselves and our life.

  • Holistic Safety Planning: Struggles with setting and holding boundaries can be supported with physical, mental, spiritual, and financial safety planning.

  • Grief Work: Exploration of losses, both non-death and realized, helps us tap into our inner resilience, create ways to express the grief to integrate it and find meaning for our challenging life experiences.

  • Post-traumatic Growth: Identifying intentional actions rooted in self-responsibility to reclaim our Self Energy for a more peaceful life.

RPC-C, Canadian Professional Counselling Association Member #4489

Professional Counselling Diploma, Rhodes Wellness College (2023)

Certified Life Skills Coach, ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (2021)

Mental Health First Aid (2024)